

Bi-Ri-Ciclando ... the Impact

... the Idea
... the People
... the Workcamp
... the
... the Impact
... the End
... the Press
... the Coordinator
... the Links
There were three main purposes that I wanted to reach with this project: to promote environmental practices, to fix bycicles and give them for free as alternative transportation in the village, and to promote international cooperation as vehicle for understanding different cultures and being comprehensive with different way to act.
Environmental practices promotion: I would say this objective was definitely reached, the project had a big dissemitation through national and local TV, magazines and newspapers (as you can see from the section "Press"). One year later a municipality near Castiglione del Lago developed a small project connected to the recycling called with the same name and a similar project with similar name was successfully realized in Anzio in 2006 (I guess at least the idea was given by Bi-Ri-Ciclando since it was almost the same!). The italian branch of International Civil Services used Bi-Ri-Ciclando as example of environmental workcamp in the flyer of 2006.
Fixing bikes and give them for free: this objective was just partially reached. We fixed in total 18 bikes, all painted in green and personalized with some draw from the volunteers (they were really cute! please see the photo section). Giving them for free was extremely difficult because of insurance problems, missing fundings and stupid italian mentality. For different reasons was not possible to make them available for tourists and citizens as I was dreaming, but they were used time by time from workers, associations and schools.
International cooperation: Definitely reached! At the beginning there were 7 people (young people!) that came in Castiglione del Lago with different perspectives and for different reasons. Different cultures and motivations, difficult to put them together and let them know that we can be different but also find something in common and understand each other. At the end we were a group, a real group with new motivations and probably (I hope) new point of view. 

2013@Riccardo Biondi